What is Root Cause Healthcare vs Symptom Treatment?
When you visit our office, you’ll most likely hear us using the term “Root Cause Healthcare.” What does this mean? When symptoms are present in your body like pain, anxiety/depression, not being able to fall/stay asleep, loss of movement, stiffness/tension throughout the body, all of these are signals that your body sends letting you know that there is some sort of dysfunction or dis-ease that needs to be resolved. Similar to the check engine light coming on when there is a malfunction in your vehicle, your body uses symptoms to sound the alarm that something needs to change.
Symptoms are always an effect, never the cause. Much of healthcare today is focused on treating or getting rid of symptoms in your body, rather than addressing the reason the symptom is there in the first place. This philosophy actually works against your body’s natural ability to heal. As an example, think about if every time the check engine light came on in your vehicle, your solution was to put a piece of black tape over the dashboard so the check engine light was no longer visible. While this might give you some temporary relief, it doesn’t change the fact that there is an issue that is disrupting your vehicle’s ability to function properly. As you can imagine, if the check engine light continues to be ignored, eventually the vehicle is going to break down. Your body and your health work the exact same way, only difference is you can always get a new vehicle, but you only get one body.
So, what is the root cause? The answer is stress in your spine and nervous system, scientifically known as Vertebral Subluxation. The reason this is the root cause is because your nervous system, made up of your brain, spinal cord, and nerves is the communication pathway for life and health in the body. Think of your spine as the telephone line your brain uses to send and receive signals with every cell tissue in your body. When we have Vertebral Subluxation (stress stuck in the spine) it causes a disconnect in the brain-body connection and over time this leads to the body beginning to break down. What’s interesting is that Vertebral Subluxation doesn’t just cause neck pain and low back pain. It can also cause anxiety/depression, low energy/chronic fatigue, issues with sleeping, digestion, and a whole host of other symptoms that are all connected to the spine and nervous system.
In our office our philosophy is simple. Find the root cause, correct it, and let the body heal. With our process we work with your spine to begin unwinding tension patterns allowing the communication pathways to open up so that you not only begin to feel great, but truly begin to heal. Our process is gentle, specific, and highly effective. If you are ready to take a step towards root cause healthcare we would love to meet you and see if we can help.